The announcement is only available in polish (see below). FORMULARZ DLA OGŁOSZENIODAWCÓWINSTYTUCJA: Instytut Nauk Ekonomicznych PANMIASTO: WarszawaSTANOWISKO: post-docDYSCYPLINA NAUKOWA: ekonomia i finanseDATA OGŁOSZENIA: 5 listopada 2024 r.TERMIN SKŁADANIA OFERT: 31 […]
We would like to inform you that by the decision of the director of INE PAN, a gender equality plan has been introduced at the institute. The director’s order on […]
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Małgorzata Walerych’s article The aggregate and redistributive effects of emigration published last year in the Review of World Economics was awarded in the […]
We kindly remind you about the commenced election process for the scientific committees of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Elections are held using the electronic electoral system of the Polish […]
We would like to inform you that the election process for the scientific committees of the Polish Academy of Sciences has begun. If you are interested, we kindly invite you […]
On behalf of the Polish Academy of Sciences Scientific Center in Paris, we would like to inform you about the ongoing recruitment for the position of specialist to the substantive […]
We cordially invite you to read the interview of our employee Dr. Jagoda Kaszowska-Mojsa, which she gave to the economic portal The content of the interview is available at […]
The Institute of Economic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw invites you to submit written offers for the audit of the voluntary financial statement for the financial […]
DISCIPLINE: economics and finance or mathematicsKEYWORDS: microeconomics, macroeconomics, economic policy, quantitative methods I. Conditions to be met by the Candidate: 1) Doctoral degree in economics, 2) Documented scientific achievements, 3) […]
DISCIPLINE: economics and financeKEYWORDS: microeconomics, macroeconomics, economic policy, quantitative methods, economic and social inequalities I. Conditions to be met by the Candidate: 1) Habilitation degree in economics, 2) Documented scientific […]