Representative for gender equality
mgr Justyna Janik
address: Nowy Świat 72, 00-330 Warsaw
room: 250
phone: 48 534 720 276, 22 657 27 07
The plenipotentiary's tasks include taking actions to promote equal treatment and equal opportunities, in particular:
1) monitoring the implementation of equality activities specified in the Gender Equality Plan,
2) collecting information on good equality practices and disseminating them,
3) promoting and disseminating equal treatment and standards
4) information about equality courses and training,
5) acting as a consultation and contact point in matters of discrimination,
6) reporting on progress in the implementation of equality policy,
7) providing administrative support in matters related to the topic
equality and collecting documentation of these matters,
8) accepting complaints from employees as part of the anti-mobbing procedure.
Gender equality plan for years 2024-2027 is available at this link.