The aim of the course is to strengthen the set of competences required by professional activity, especially managerial activity, in the current, dynamic and unpredictable world. This world is described by the English acronym VUCA (volatile-uncertain-complex-ambiguous), i.e. the situations we encounter in life are the result of changing processes, are difficult to predict, are complex (because everything affects everything) and ambiguous, i.e. it is clear how to interpret them. The challenges faced by employees are increased by the need to interact with other people changed by remote work and globalization and the related need for intercultural communication. The tools that we will learn in this course are intended to give participants the power to deal with such situations (hence the prefix "neo").
The title of the course refers to a very good book from 2020 entitled "Invincible Company" by Osterwalder and co-authors, but it should be emphasized that we are looking at all organizations, not just business companies. All discussed topics concern both profit-oriented companies and central administration offices or local governments, educational and scientific institutions, foundations and other types of NGOs.
To participate in the course, no knowledge of management, mathematics, statistics, etc. is expected from the students, but the right attitude, i.e. openness to examples from very different disciplines (from art to exact sciences) and readiness to discuss issues that may violate personal "beliefs" (such as views on vaccines, the role of women and men in public life, the role of people with different views or appearance in our lives, the importance of ecology and global change, etc.). In addition, listeners should be ready to critically analyze delusions, superstitions, and logical fallacies in their own thinking.
Each of the 2-day conventions will have a main theme (1. ways of critical and creative thinking, 2. modern leadership, 3. making strategic decisions, 4. innovation), deepened by recommendations of own work between the conventions (mainly through video materials) . The substantive content and didactic approach are the lecturer's original proposal and result from his research profile (mainly in the exact sciences), teaching experience in the field of management (over 20 years at the Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University in Nowy Sącz), experience in managing foundations ( NGO) and participating in a number of international EU projects.
dr Michał Jasieński – graduate of the Jagiellonian University and Harvard University (PhD). In the years 1985-1998 he studied, conducted research and didactic classes as a post-doctoral fellow and held academic functions (resident tutor, assistant dean of student of Harvard Summer School) at Harvard University. Since 2005, associate professor at WSB-NLU in Nowy Sącz, where he lectures on innovation management, organizational behavior, leadership, business models and methods of creativity and critical thinking. In 2007-9, he was the dean of the faculty at WSB-NLU. In 2010-12 and 2012-14 he was the coordinator of projects under the "Innovation Creator" program. He founded the WSB-NLU Innovation Center, dealing with training and research in the field of innovation. He conducted workshops/trainings on innovation and knowledge management in Denmark, Iceland, Kazakhstan, Turkey, the USA and in many domestic companies. In 2013-16, he participated in an international research project of the 7th EU Framework Program on innovation and business models. European Union expert in the evaluation of research projects (2016-17). Associate Editor (Innovation area) of the Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation quarterly and a member of the Program Board of the Academy of Innovation Manager at the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. Author of several dozen publications in the field of biology, methodology, didactics as well as knowledge management and innovation, published in national publishing houses and in world-class scientific journals (including Nature, PNAS USA, Scientometrics, Ecology). Co-founder and vice-president of the "Salus Publica" Foundation for Public Health and secretary of the board of the "Kyoto-Kraków" Foundation at the Manggha Museum in Krakow.
Organization of classes
Classes are held on Saturdays and Sundays at 9.00-16.30 once a month for 4 months. The course is conducted online.
Price for the course is 3000 PLN
Admission is ongoing
The course will start after the group is assembled
Daniel Habura – Head of the Teaching Department
phone 22 656 34 31, 535 006 790
email: dhabur[at]