The Institute of Economic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw invites you to submit written offers for the audit of the voluntary financial statement for the financial year 2022:
1. Place of order performance: seat of the Institute of Economic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, ul. Nowy Świat 72.
2. Completion date: to be agreed, the preferred completion date is May 23, 2023
3. Subject of the contract
The subject of the contract includes the audit of the voluntary financial statement for the financial year 2022 and the preparation of the report on the audit of the statement.
4. Criteria to be met by an audit firm applying for a contract award:
the audit firm, the key statutory auditor and members of the audit team must meet the requirements of impartiality and independence provided for by generally applicable laws,
the key statutory auditor should be familiar with principles of financial management of scientific institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences and regulations concerning the principles of financing science,
have the human and technical potential to perform the order.
6. The offer should contain:
Information about the offeror, including:
– company name and registered office of the Bidder,
– form of activity (current excerpt from the relevant register),
– entry in the register of statutory auditors with specifying the number and date of the entry,
– entry on the list of entities authorized to audit financial statements, specifying the registration number and date of entry,
– list of employed statutory auditors,
– entry in the register of statutory auditors being part of the audit team study;
Statement on the fulfillment by the audit company and the key statutory auditor of the statutory conditions to express an impartial and independent opinion on the audited financial statements;
Statement on having the necessary knowledge and experience to audit financial statements, including knowledge of the principles of economics of scientific institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences and regulations on the principles of financing science;
• A list of audited entities (name and seat) in the last three years;
A policy or other insurance document confirming that the Bidder is insured against civil liability; < br > Net/gross unit price for the audit of the financial statements;
Determination of the composition of the team conducting the audit, specifying persons with the qualifications of a statutory auditor;
The proposed date of auditing the financial statements;
The offer should be signed by persons authorized to represent the Bidder.
All documents and statements attached to the offer should be submitted in originals or copies certified as true copies by persons authorized to represent the Bidder;
7. The Ordering Party does not allow the possibility of entrusting part or all of the order to subcontractors.
8. The contract will be concluded with the tenderer who submits the most advantageous offer, ie:
demonstrates the richest experience in conducting financial research of scientific institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences
presents a competitive price compared to other entities.
9. Deadline and place for submission of tenders:
The deadline for submitting tenders is January 5, 2023 at 11.00. Written offers should be sent to the following address: Institute of Economic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Nowy Świat 72, 00-330 Warszawa or submit directly to the secretariat of the Institute of Economic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences (2nd floor), room 250 from Monday to Friday, 9.00-15.00.
Offers should be submitted in a sealed envelope with the inscription “Offer for voluntary audit of the financial statements for 2022”.
10. This procedure is conducted with the exclusion of the Public Procurement Law (Article 2(1)(1) of the Public Procurement Law )
11. The Ordering Party reserves the right to cancel the procedure without giving any reason.
12. Contact persons:
Jolanta Rycąbel – Chief Accountant, tel. 536-105-805, e-mail: