The research conducted by the team covers finance, in particular banking, but also corporate governance and the issues of new financial technologies (fintech). In the last of those areas, an example of a subject is the impact of technological innovations on the activities of financial intermediaries. The team's projects are often interdisciplinary, i.e. they combine finance and banking with elements of other fields, especially research on climate change and environmental protection (green finance), innovation and entrepreneurship.

Keywords: finance, corporate governance, banking, agroeconomics, innovation, entrepreneurship.

Selected publications

Kowalewski, O., & Pisany, P. (2022). The rise of fintech: a cross-country perspective. Technovation, 102642.

Kowalewski, O., & Pisany, P. (2022). Banks' consumer lending reaction to fintech and bigtech credit emergence in the context of soft versus hard credit information processing. International Review of Financial Analysis81, 102116.

Kowalewski, O., Pisany, P. (2022). Home–host distance in governance quality, foreign banks’ lending, and emerging host markets’ resilience. Review of Development Finance 12(1), 55-69.

Kowalewski, O., Pisany, P., Ślązak, E. (2022). Digitalization and data, institutional quality and culture as drivers of technology-based credit providers. forthcoming in Journal of Economics and Business.

Ahmad, M. F., Kowalewski, O., & Pisany, P. (2021). What determines initial coin offering success: a cross-country study. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 1-24.

Kowalewski, O., & Śpiewanowski, P. (2020). Stock market response to potash mine disasters. Journal of Commodity Markets20, 100124.

Gnutzmann, H., Kowalewski, O., & Śpiewanowski, P. (2020). Market structure and resilience: Evidence from potash mine disasters. American Journal of Agricultural Economics102(3), 911-933.

Hryckiewicz, A., Pawlowski, P., Mazur, P., & Borsuk, M. (2020). Sovereign Debt Holding and Bank Sensitivity Toward Market Risk: An Alternative View of the Bank-Sovereign Problem. International Journal of Central Banking.

Kowalewski, O., Pisany, P. (2019). What drove the growth of the corporate bond markets in Asia? Research in International Business and Finance 48, 365-380.