mgr Radosław KUREK
Center for Studies on Inequality
Research interest:
Inequality theory, inequality of opportunity
About me:
My research is based mainly on creating and analyzing inequality measures, which allow to compare which datasets are more just (more equal) than others. To achieve this purpose we can use stochastic dominance among others or dominance based on divergence from median. I was also working on the topic of inequality o opportunity, that is inequality based on our origin or gender among others. I was employed in grants given to prof. Kobus, supervisor of CBN. In 2019 I received scholarship START of foundation FNP.
Papers in scientific journals
- Kobus, M., Kurek, R. (2018). Copula-based measurement of interdependence for discrete distributions. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 79, 27-39.
- Kobus, M., Kurek, R. (2019). Multidimensional polarization for ordinal data. Journal of Economic Inequality, 17, 301-317.