Inequalities Research Center
Research interest:
political economy, state ownership in enterprises, economic growth
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4572-3168
Scopus https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=8570928300
About me:
My research interests focus on political economy and the issue of state ownership in enterprises. The results of my research work include, among others, an index of state ownership and a database of privatization and nationalization in European countries in the 21st century, an empirical analysis of the relationship between the non-commercial goals of state-owned enterprises and their financial results, and an endogenous model of economic growth taking into account the state-owned enterprises sector. I was a project manager under the Etiuda program of the National Science Center and the Ivanovo National Agency for Academic Exchange.
Published articles
- Matuszak, P. (2023). State-Owned Enterprises and Endogenous Growth. Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics, 15(1), 65–89.
- Matuszak, P., B. Totleben i D. Piatek (2022). Political alignment and the allocation of the Covid-19 response funds—evidence from municipalities in Poland. Economics and Business Review, 8(1), 50–71.
- Matuszak, P. i B. Kabaciński (2021). Non-commercial goals and financial performance of state-owned enterprises–some evidence from the electricity sector in the EU countries. Journal of Comparative Economics, 49(4), 1068–1087.
- Szarzec, K., A. Dombi i P. Matuszak (2021). State-owned enterprises and economic growth: Evidence from the post-Lehman period. Economic Modelling, 99, 105490.