Differentiation of the innovation strategies of Polish industrial processing enterprises under the influence of changes in macroeconomic conditions
OPUS 9, Principal Investigator ANNA WZIĄTEK-KUBIAK
The aim of the study is to analyze the differentiation of the activity and innovation strategies of Polish industrial processing enterprises under the influence of changes in macroeconomic conditions: in the period of acceleration (2004-2008 and 2013-2014) and slowdown of economic growth (2008-2013). Following economic and management sciences, we assume that changes in the activity and innovation strategies of companies are based on the processes of accumulation and use of knowledge: its sources, factors and forms, i.e. supply factors. However, in order to achieve the stated goal of the study, we must also take into account the impact of demand factors that correct the impact of supply factors. The research hypotheses concern the following areas: The impact of macroeconomic changes on (1) Changes in the competition strategy of enterprises, and these - on changes in the innovation strategy; (2) Changes in the demographics of innovative companies and their characteristics; (3) Changes in the typology of companies and differentiation of their innovation strategies; (4) Changes in the characteristics of knowledge accumulation: its factors, sources and forms, and their impact on the probability of implementing innovations. Implementation of the project requires an interdisciplinary approach: from the perspective of economic sciences and management sciences. This will make it possible to broaden the way and scope of perceiving the issues raised. For the empirical verification of the hypotheses, we will use seven databases of the Central Statistical Office. Each contains data for the approximately 8,000 manufacturing companies participating in the Community Innovation Survey, some of which are innovative. We will use the panel of innovative companies in all analyzes and econometric models: factor analysis, cluster analysis and probit model. They will allow to verify the hypotheses. The differentiation of enterprises' activities and innovation strategies has important empirical and theoretical significance. It occupies a key place in the discussions of mainstream researchers, the evolutionary research perspective and strategic management. Turning to their achievements, our research will verify the hypothesis that changes in macroeconomic conditions translate into changes in the activity and innovation strategies of enterprises and the probability of implementing innovations. Research conducted around the world shows a stronger sensitivity of the innovative activity of enterprises in catching-up countries - than in the "old" EU countries - to changes in macroeconomic conditions. However, the sources of this process are not sought and the importance of the low level of knowledge accumulation, its factors, sources and forms of companies in these countries for their activity and innovation strategies is underestimated. Thus, the project responds to the need for research on the causes of low innovative activity of Polish industrial processing enterprises, especially in the period of economic slowdown, and the importance of features and the level of accumulated knowledge for the probability of implementing innovations. Its implementation would make it possible to trace the relationship between various elements of accumulated and used knowledge and changes in the innovative activity of enterprises. An interdisciplinary approach to the issues raised will allow for a broader view of economic interdependencies. It will provide material for assessing the scale of differences in the preparation of Polish companies to undertake innovative activities, as well as - for conducting an effective state innovation policy aimed at improving the ability of companies to introduce innovations.