Centre for Research on Inequality
Research interest:
macroeconomics, labour economics, incomplete information, search theory
About me:
In my research, I focus on the importance of frictions on the micro level for our understanding of the economy on the macro level. In particular, I am interested in understanding the labour market dynamics (e.g., the level and change of the unemployment rate and the self-employment rate) and income and wealth inequalities (e.g., how savings/debts impact on employment/labour supply decisions and how these feed back into inequality), both empirically and theoretically.
I am currently carrying out research funded by grants from the National Science Centre in Poland and the Nuffield Foundation in the UK. As for the former, I’m looking into whether/how financial innovation affects the response of consumption to income changes. The project is concerned with understanding if the flourishment of mobile apps and accessing more sophisticated ways of investing and savings matters for the linkage between income inequality and consumption inequality. As for the latter, I’m looking into data on the unique French unemployment insurance system for art-workers. This system constitutes a unique opportunity to draw lessons for broader design of labour market policies aiming at non-standard forms of employment, the so-called gig-economy.
My work has been presented, both by me and by my co-authors, on virtually all conferences organised by the most important economic associations (which I’m an active member of), including the Econometric Society, the Society for Economic Dynamics, European Economic Association, the Society for Advancement of Economic Theory, the Royal Economic Society and the Society for Computational Economics. On top of that, my work has been presented on numerous seminars at economics departments in the US and in Europe.
I serve on the editorial board of Ekonomista, the oldest Polish economic journal. I am also a member of the Scientific Council of INE PAN.
To learn more about my work (e.g., download the most recent versions of my working papers), please go to my personal website.
Papers in scientific journals
1.Denderski, P., Paczos, W. (2021). Foreign Banks and the Bank Lending Channel. Economic Inquiry, 59 (1), 478-493. https://doi.org/10.1111/ecin.12942
2.Denderski, P., Stoltenberg, C.A. (2020). Risk Sharing with Private and Public Information. Journal of Economic Theory. 186, article 104988. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jet.2019.104988