Dr Wojciech PACZOS


Center for Studies on Inequality

Research interest:

Makroekonomia, dług publiczny, polityka pieniężna,


Curriculum vitae

About me:

I am a macroeconomist. I am a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Cardiff University and a member of the Institute of Economic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. I am a visiting academic at the Bank of England. I completed my doctorate at the European University Institute in Florence and my master's degree at the Warsaw School of Economics.

My research interests are public debt and monetary policy transmission. I publish my work in international academic journals (e.g., Oxford Economic Papers, Journal of Money Credit and Banking) and present regularly in international conferences (e.g., European Economic Association, Royal Economic Society), invited seminars (e.g., Barcelona, Geneva, Minnesota) and institutions and central banks (e.g., OECD, Bank of England, European Central Bank, National Bank of Poland). I am a receipient of a research grant from the National Bank of Poland. My research was awarded with the Austrian National Bank's award for the best scientific work by young economists, and the Nicolaus Copernicus Medal of the Polish Academy of Sciences for outstanding scientific achievements.

I actively participate in the Polish public debate and advise on economic policy. I am a founder of the "Dobrobyt na Pokolenia (“Prosperity for Generations") Foundation and a member of Concilium Civitas. In December 2020, I was appointed to the Covid-19 Advisory Team of the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences.



Jerzy Duszyński , Aneta Afelt , Małgorzata Kossowska , Anna Ochab-Marcinek , Radosław Owczuk , Wojciech Paczos , Anna Plater-Zyberk , Krzysztof Pyrć , Magdalena Rosińska , Andrzej Rychard , Tomasz Smiatacz (2021). Chronicles of a Pandemic 2020–2021. ACADEMIA - The magazine of the Polish Academy of Sciences, No 4 (72).

Papers in scientific journals

Paczos, W., & Shakhnov, K. (2022). Defaulting on Covid debt. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money77, 101516.

Denderski, P., & Paczos, W. (2021). Foreign banks and the bank lending channel. Economic Inquiry59(1), 478-493.

Brueckner, M., Paczos, W., & Pappa, E. (2020). On the relationship between domestic saving and the current account: evidence and theory for developing countries. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking52(5), 1071-1106.

Paczos, W. (2020). Optimal inflation, monetary integration, and asymmetric sticky prices. Oxford Economic Papers72(3), 710-730.