dr hab., prof. INE PAN Tomasz ŁYZIAK
Department of Economic Policy
Research interest:
Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy, Inflation, Inflation Expectations, Modelling and Forecasting
About me:
Tomasz Łyziak is the associate professor at the Institute of Economic Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences. Apart from his work at the Academy, he serves as the economic advisor and head of the team at the Economic Analysis and Research Department of Narodowy Bank Polski (central bank of Poland). His research interests are related to empirical macroeconomics and are focused on monetary and fiscal policies, monetary transmission mechanism, measuring and modelling inflation expectations as well as macroeconomic modelling and forecasting.
Łyziak T. (2013), Oczekiwania Inflacyjne Konsumentów: Pomiar i Testowanie, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, https://dx.doi.org/10.31338/uw.9788323520290.
Gnan E., Kokoszczyński R., Łyziak T., McCauley R. [eds.] (2011), Monetary Policy after the Crisis, SUERF Studies 2011/3, SUERF.
Papers in scientific journals
Stanisławska E., Paloviita M., Łyziak T. (2021), Consumer inflation views: Micro-level inconsistencies and macro-level measures, Economics Letters, 206, 2-4, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.econlet.2021.110004.
Baranowski P., Doryń W., Łyziak T., Stanisławska E. (2021), Words and deeds in managing expectations: Empirical evidence from an inflation targeting economy, Economic Modelling, 95, 49-67, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.econmod.2020.12.003.
Łyziak T., Mackiewicz-Łyziak J. (2020), Does fiscal stance affect inflation expectations? Evidence for European economies, Economic Analysis and Policy, 68, 296-310, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eap.2020.09.010.
Chmielewski T., Łyziak T., Stanisławska E. (2020), Risk-taking channel and its non-linearities: the case of an emerging market economy, Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 70(1), 2-25.
Łyziak T., Mackiewicz-Łyziak J. (2019b), A new test for fiscal sustainability with endogenous sovereign bond yields: Evidence for EU economies, Economic Modelling, 82, 136-151, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.econmod.2019.01.001.
Łyziak T. (2019), Do global output gaps help forecast domestic inflation? Evidence from Phillips curves for Poland, International Journal of Forecasting, 35, 1032-1041, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijforecast.2019.03.006.
Łyziak T., Paloviita M. (2017), Anchoring of inflation expectations in the euro area: Recent evidence based on survey data, European Journal of Political Economy, 46, 52-73, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2016.11.001.
Hałka A., Łyziak T. (2015), How to define the Consumer Perceived Price Index? An application to Polish data, Eastern European Economics, 53(1), 39-56, https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00128775.2015.1033291.
Chapters in books
Łyziak T. (2019), Zakotwiczenie oczekiwań inflacyjnych a zarządzanie nimi – jak rozuumieć słowa-klucze inflation targeting?, w: Przybylska-Kapuścińska W., Perez K. [red.] (2019), “Polityka Pieniężna i Rynki Finansowe Wobec Wyzwań Gospodarki 4.0”, CeDeWu, 123-140.
Łyziak T. (2011), Oczekiwania inflacyjne, w: Sławiński A. [red.] (2011), „Polityka Pieniężna”, CH Beck, 105-118.
Kokoszczyński R., Łyziak T., Stanisławska E. (2009), Consumer inflation expectations: useful-ness of survey-based measures – a cross-country survey, w: Sinclair P. [red.] (2009), “Inflation Expectations”, Routledge, 76-100.
Łyziak T. (2004), Monetary transmission mechanism in Poland, w: L. Mahadeva, P. Sinclair [red.] (2004), “How Monetary Policy Works”, Routledge, UK, 188-220.