dr Aleksander ŻOŁNIERSKI

Zakład Mikroekonomii
Research interest:
innovation, Industry 4.0, social capital, big data in social science research, information management
About me:
Over 20 years of professional experience in private and public sector coupled with strong academic activity. Next to academic and research activity, involved in advisory projects, using in practice the knowledge from research on innovation, communication and social capital. Engaged in business-related organisations and successfully applied academic and R&D knowledge in economic practice.
An effective manager of highly innovative teams, effectively involves experts of various specialties to achieve goals. As associated with scientists, market experts, representatives of administration and business practitioners skilled in setting up practical collaboration and synergies between stakeholders from science, business and the academia.
Strategic Advisor for commercialization process. Member of the Steering Committee of a project National Foresight Programme – implementation of results. Member of the Panel of Experts for The Key National Cluster project. IKED Working Group; creating and coordinating innovation and cluster policies of the Baltic Sea countries (Designing Policies for Innovation and Enterprise Development) and with Bruecke-Osteuropa - Deutsch-Polnische Kooperationsveranstaltung; coordinating the cooperation between science and businesses of the Weimar Triangle countries (as part of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wirtschafts- und Technologie-Kooperation mit Osteuropa und Asien).
Cetera, Wiesław & Zolnierski, Aleksander & Jaruga, Dariusz & Gogołek, Włodzimierz. (2022). Potential for the Use of Large Unstructured Data Resources by Public Innovation Support Institutions. Journal of Big Data. 9. 10.1186/s40537-022-00610-6.
Zolnierski, Aleksander & Cetera, Wiesław & Jaruga, Dariusz & Grzegorek, Jan & Sowula, Grzegorz. (2022). Graphene and its Applications. Study on The Development Trends in Research and on the Implementation Potential using Big Data and Information Refining Methods. Journal of Nanotechnology Research. 04. 10.26502/jnr.2688-85210034.
Żołnierski, Aleksander. (2021). Informacja w dobrym towarzystwie: internalizacja informacji a kapitał społeczny. Instytut Nauk Ekonomicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 978-83-61597-81-0.
Żołnierski, Aleksander, Małgorzata Skrzek-Lubasińska. (2022). Spójność instytucjonalna otoczenia mikroprzedsiębiorczości i samozatrudnienia jako element zrównoważonego rozwoju w Polsce, w Ekonomiści dla rozwoju – Sfera realna i regulacyjna gospodarki, St. Owsiak, J. Wilkin, M. Zaleska (ed.) PTE, Warszawa. 978-83-65269-36-2.
Żołnierski, Aleksander, Jacek Gulczyński. (2021) Zastosowania sztucznej inteligencji w analizie obrazu w: Big data rafinacja informacji – medycyna – ekonomia – media. Aspekty teoretyczne i aplikatywne, red. naukowa - Wiesław Cetera. Kielce. ISBN 978-83-62068-82-1.
Żołnierski, Aleksander. (2017). Big data and refining information tools in the process of public intervention programming in Poland, Studia Ekonomiczne, nr 4 (XCV) 2017, ss.452-467