Institute of Economics Polish Academy of Sciences invites You to a seminar online, at which dr Paweł Bukowski and
dr Wojciech Paczos have presentation titled: Four steps for reanimation of economy after pandemic. Propositions of the referrents will be commented on by prof. dr hab. Andrzej Wojtyna.
Meeting takes place 14 may 2020 (thursday) at 11.00 on MS Teams platform.
Those interested in attending the seminar, are kindly asked for information on email with e-mail adress, at which on 13 may 2020 we will send a link containing invitation to the videoconference. You will be able to join the conference from 10:45 and at any point during its course. To do so You have to click on “Join Meeting” and wait for acceptation from us.
The course of the seminar will be recorded and later made public on website of the institute. Due to that, we ask that all individuals that doesn’t agree for us to publish their talks, to inform us about it with a separate email.
Invitation for the seminar can be foundhere (please click in order to download).