2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
Economic Studies is a scientific quarterly publishing theoretical and empirical papers in he field of economics and economic practice. It is published by the Institute of Economics, Polish Academy of Sciences (INE PAN). The journal has a long history, dating back to 1930s, when it was published by the Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Learning. After the WWII, it reappeared as a journal of the Department of Economic Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences and, later on, INE PAN.
Authors of accepted papers receive 13 points awarded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
ISSN 0239-6416
e-ISSN 2084-4395
Print form is the original version of the journal.
Journal is indexed in BazEkon UEK, CEEOL, CEJSH, Pol-index, Index Copernicus
Program Board
Marek Belka, Barbara Despines, Marian Gorynia, Tamara E. Kuzniecowa, Adam Lipowski, Péter Mihályi, Lew V. Nikiforow, Krzysztof Starzec
Editorial Board
Assoc. Prof. Krzysztof Bartosik, Ph.D. (Editor-in-Chief), Prof. Urszula Grzelońska, Ph.D, Prof. Joanna Kotowicz-Jawor, Ph.D., Prof. Witold Kwaśnicki, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Leszek Morawski, Ph.D., Jerzy Mycielski, Ph.D. (Statistical Editor), Prof. Adam Noga, Ph.D., Lesław Pietrewicz, Ph.D., Urszula Skorupska, Ph.D. (Editorial Assistant), Prof. Andrzej Sławiński, Ph.D.
Editorial comments
We kindly inform that the Editorial Office accepts proposals of articles to be published in Studia Ekonomiczne (Economic Studies). Comments concerning approval of articles proposed for publication are presented below.
Wilkin J. (1995), Jaki kapitalizm? Jaka Polska?, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.
Wisman J.D., Rozansky J. (1991), The methodology of institutionalism revisited, “Journal of Economic Issues”, Vol. 25, No. 3, s. 709–737.
Christiano L.J., Eichenbaum M., Evans Ch.L. (1999), Monetary policy shocks: What have we learned and to what end?, w: Handbook of Macroeconomics, J.B. Taylor, M. Woodford (eds.), Vol. 1, Chapter 2, Elsevier, s. 65–148.
Principles of peer-reviewing of the submitted articles
The Editorial Board carries out a preliminary verification of the submitted texts taking into account similarity of the topic of the article to the profile of the quarterly and compliance with editorial requirements.
Pre-approved texts are submitted for peer-reviewing by one of the persons enumerated in the list of reviewers that cooperate with the Editorial Office. If the initially selected reviewer does not undertake peer-review or a specialist in the field that the article relates to is not included in the list of reviewers, a person from outside the group of regular reviewers will be asked to peer-review the text. The review process is double-blind. Upon compiling the content of a subsequent issue, the whole material is once again submitted for peer-review by an external reviewer.
Peer-review performs a consultative function, which means that the final decision on approving the text for publication is taken by the Editorial Board.
Details of the peer-reviewing process are consistent with the requirements of the Minister of Science included in the brochure „Good practices in peer-reviewing procedures in science”.
Text approval and rejection criteria
Compliance with the profile of the magazine, scientific character, originality of the issues discussed, correctness in terms of facts and methods.
Counteracting research misconduct
The Editorial Office of Studia Ekonomiczne (Economic Studies) counteracts such phenomena as ghostwriting and gest authorship. Research misconduct exposed by the Editorial Office of Studia Ekonomiczne (Economic Studies) that consists in plagiarism, failure to include as an author or co-author the person who significantly contributed to the creation of the article or indicating as an author or co-author a person whose contribution to the creation of the article has been negligible or none whatsoever will be documented and revealed. Along with the submitted article, its author should submit a statement of originality of the publication which can be downloaded here.
Primary version of the periodical
The printed version is the primary version.
You can download a peer-review form here.
Additional information:
phone 22 657 27 90,
fax 22 826 72 54
Articles published in the „Economic Studies” are available free of charge on the journal’s website. You can place orders for Studia Ekonomiczne by mail at the address:
Instytut Nauk Ekonomicznych PAN (The Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences),
Biblioteka (Library), ul. Nowy Świat 72,
00-330 Warsaw,
by fax: 22 826 72 54
or via e-mail at:emagda@inepan.waw.pl
Subscription information: phone 22 657 27 04